Friday, January 29, 2010

Advertisement and Iconic figures

One of the most interesting materials that inspired me this week was about advertisement and iconic figures which I found them related. Most companies advertise their products in order to sell at best and earn lots of money. The most powerful way to advertise would be hiring famous actors or actresses as many fans of them set them as their own iconic figures. SK-II, which is one of the highly praised cosmetic, also employs a popular Australian actress and theater director, Cate Blanchett. Not only fans of Cate Blanchett but also any people inspired by her beauty come to use the cosmetic.
In the advertisement, she is partially naked showing that she comes to reborn (more close to nature) as using SK-II, a cosmetic. Cosmetics make people feel reborn; users’ skins would get much better and they would be satisfied and feel like they go back to the past when they do not have any pimples or wrinkles. Many people would think if they use SK-II they would be like her having a perfect skin. Thus, the SK-II company has hired only famous and beautiful actresses in order to attract consumers. The company has hired each different actress for each countries. In Korea, one of the most beautiful and famous actress, Hee-Ae Kim is selected as a model for SK-II. Even though she is old, her skin is perfect and her beauty is always praised. Hee-Ae Kim is an iconic figure in Korea who symbolizes anti-aging and gorgeousness. Many women, therefore, consume SK-II as they are attracted by their iconic figure.
Thus, iconic figures have power to attract people, and advertisement companies take advantage of hiring iconic figures.


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