Saturday, March 6, 2010

Racism in Stuart-Little

The basic story line of Stuart-Little is that Stuart has been adopted but his family George and Snow Bell don't accept him as their family. So Stuart strive to be accepted as their family.
Why Stuart is a white mouse? Does it give him the qualification to be their family?
In this movie, the cats besides Snow Bell are dotted or black and they have chinese accents. This gives the impression that the area where Snow Bell live is safe region and the other cats live in a dangerous region.
WASP stands for White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant. It is the name of the boat of George who does not accept Stuart as his family. But in the race, he finally accepts Stuart as his family member sine Staurt has won the boat race.
Another racism point of this movie is that Staurt's father has an Italian accent. It implies American's look down on Italian-Americans.
I think the reason why the George and Snow Bell's family didn't accept Stuart is because he is origianally Italian.
The Little family holds the stereotypes of American family. They go to Church every Sunday, take care of their yards, and keep the traditional American traits. Their furnitures and cars are just so American.
I think most Disney movies contain many social issues such as sexism or racism, and children are should prohibited to see them since there are possibilities to build wrong values.


  1. None of your arguments against this movie make sense.

    1. I agree. This is the stupidest bunch of crap I've ever read.

  2. I think you are correct. It just came to me after my children watching it almost everyday that i think stuart actually represents a child of different race. But odvisiously you cant actually have that in a children's movie so they changed his character to a mouse to signify a difference between stuart and the rest of the family.

    1. That is exactly what i thought stuart can be seen as a human kid of a different race but the women at the orphanage tells george's parents that they should not adopt someone of a different "species" which i think means "race".

    2. Come on you believe that crap. The reason George don't care for Stewart because he was a pet not a human. George looked at it that way not race.

  3. How does Stuart feel about the Wasp in Chapter 6???

  4. He's a mouse tho? How is that racist and it was based off a book from 1945 where everyone was trying to be traditionally American??

    1. Exactly. He's a pet not a human man these people are as bad as our sleepy leader
