Friday, March 12, 2010

women's power

The topic we discussed was on movies. What interested me the most was women’s power described in the movie. Two women are sitting down on the rock and the man approaches them. The women start to insult him as men are degraded human beings who objectify women. They scare him and even shoot his truck and make it exploded. Women at this moment are described as powerful existence, taking control over men who are used to be considered authoritative. I found women’s having power in movie many times. For example, wives are working, and husbands stay in home and take care of housework. Wives have control over husbands unlike old past prejudice that women should work home and men should work outside and should be the head of a family. As time goes on, movies frankly reflect social issues and viewers are either persuaded or show disagreement. Thus, as women’s power is reflected, women viewers agree with the theme and enjoy watching them. Not only women’s power changed over time but also other social issues progressing in these days are being reflected on movies and become pervasive.

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