Friday, February 12, 2010

it's so's good

Although kitsch is oftentimes a derogatory term denoting art that is tasteless, inferior, and a copy of an existing style, it sells.
That's right - it sells. In our society today, it seems like quality is less important than quantity, as well as successful marketing of questionable items.
Kitsch items are IN, despite the ridiculousness of the items.

Urban outfitters, among other stores, seems to have a knack for attracting people who want to be DIFFERENT, INNOVATIVE, and UNIQUE. And by default, they sell kitsch items:

Decorative Glass Head
Oh how cute! A decorative glass head for $38! A must have.

Everybody needs bacon floss. Now your breath can stink even more for the cheap price of $9. I promise you won't chase your friends away.

Because he's such a notable author, he's action figure worthy. A true honor.

While these items are entertaining, ridiculous, and humorous, at the same time they are POINTLESS. There really is no point behind owning them besides the fact that you own such items. Maybe that is the admiration behind the kitsch culture.

People like kitsch because the items are so tacky - they become fun collectibles that gather dust on people's shelves.

But WHY?

Because people have come up with things that nobody else thought of FIRST.

Take this, a clock. A cuckoo clock. A pink cuckoo clock.
One could MAKE this. One simply takes their antique cuckoo clock down from one's wall and splatters pink paint onto it. TA-DA!
But who would do that? Apparently the person who made this clock would, they did, and now they make a profit off of it.

Kitsch is a questionable culture that has amazingly wrapped itself around American culture, holding on for what seems like eternity. Everyday, new items are mass produced and stocked in numerous stores and online stores, waiting for intrigued consumers to swallow up the ridiculousness.

I mean, it seems like I'm complaining but I'm merely curious as to what makes these items so popular. I'm a sucker for kitsch as well.

Just look:

Don't ask :T

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