Friday, February 12, 2010

Where did the Coke cups go?!

So this week was the first week of the Hollywood auditions of American Idol. Notably new to the show was new judge Ellen DeGeneres but also notably missing to the show were the infamous Coca-Cola cups that are usually placed on the judges’ table. Since the first season of American Idol to this year’s ninth season, the infamous cups have become as synonymous to American Idol as Simon, Randy, and Ryan are and when they were absent this week, the world went into frenzy! (Well, I know I was freaked out.) So after “Googling” what in the world was happening I found out the new cups were from Vitaminwater Zero, which is a product of Coca-Cola. There was so much buzz about it that the red cups are said to return on the first live show later this month.

Product placement is a new tactic of advertising that companies have resorted to because of new technologies like DVR, TiVo, and internet sites that allow you to watch/download television programming therefore allowing you to skip or block out commercials. Also satellite radio now has commercial-free programming so people have been hearing and seeing less and less commercials so companies have to figure out ways to get attention therefore using viral marketing and product placement. American Idol is the most watched television show in the U.S. and therefore there are millions of Americans watching every week and there are millions of Americans who are staring at those red cups. So by placing products into shows and films with other main attractions such as handsome movie stars or hot actresses, they don’t have to worry about whether or not their commercial will attract attention because people unwillingly see it anyway.

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