Friday, February 19, 2010

What's the real message?

This Bud Light Commercial begins with a group of females sitting down for what appears to be an attempt at an intellectual book discussion. As one of the book club member's husband leaves the house, he realizes that there is a strategically placed group of Bud Lights on the hors'devours table. He rejects his original plans of watching "the game" and sits down promptly between two of the females. As they try to explain the plot of the book,(two women who are thrust together by war..) he manages to hear "two women thrusting," while getting his Bud Light and sitting back on the couch. The women are trying to engage him in what they are saying and he clearly writes them off by saying "awesome...good times. I love book club! I'd love to hear you read some words!" The women look astonished as he sits back. The scene finishes with a lady asking a man if he liked "Little Women" (the book) and he replied ignorantly, "yeah, I'm not too picky, you know?"

What the hell is this about?! After having missed a majority of the Superbowl and catching the last quarter, I was really angered by the message of this ad. The connotation: belitting of females, thus, making them appear inferior.
The denotation: What they really want us to get from this somehow is HOW INCREDIBLY BRO BUD LIGHT IS! HOOAH!

The fact that Bud light thought this was a clever advertisement puzzles me. Not only did they present women as merely talking heads, but they managed to make the beer-bros look incredibly stupid.
I hope this was your intention, Bud Light. Good work.

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