Thursday, April 15, 2010

Evil Starbucks?

I personally love Starbucks.
As I type, I'm sipping on a venti green tea latte.
Next to my laptop is a Starbucks bag filled with coffee beans....I couldn't resist. It's organic!

Anyway, even though I love Starbucks, I can see how it is an icon of globalization.
This may not necessarily be a bad thing, but I don't think anybody would disagree with my opinion that Starbucks has become a bad thing.

It is the largest coffeehouse company in the world.
(from wiki) There are 16,635 stores in 49 countries, including 11,068 in the United States, nearly 1,000 in Canada and more than 800 in Japan.

Everybody has heard of Starbucks...unless they live in a hole in the ground.

There is one on every corner, literally, in New York City.
Even when I visited Korea it was not hard to find one. Always within my line of sight.

Starbucks is great and all because it is always there, but what else...?
Sure, they have cool limited edition flavors like Dark Cherry Mocha (a fave of mine) and Peppermint mocha (another fave. But, a lot of people actually do not like Starbucks.

It's a MONSTROUS ENTERPRISE that has swallowed the world as a whole.

My friend says, "I think people don't like Starbucks because of what is has become. Like really corporate, it's on every corner, and it's fast-food like (in and out). Less of a coffee shop feel."

Starbucks is not a coffee shop where people can sit down and have a friendly chat (I mean they can, but I'd prefer somewhere else to Starbucks). Instead, it's a get your daily fix of caffeine and GTFO.

I love you *$, but please stop spreading throughout the world so crazy fast. It's imperialistic even.

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