Friday, April 2, 2010

Gender Roles and Children

This video interviews young boys and girls to show a shocking revelation. Gender roles are imposed upon the innocent minds of young children (even as young as 2 years old). What does this tell you about our nation? We are not really the progressive country we would like to be known as - at least not in this spectacle.

"Children have a strong sense of gender identity and gender role expectations. Most two-year olds know with certainty whether they are male or female. And by the age of four or five begin not only to develop gender constancy but often show rigid standards for what they believe are appropriate male and female dress and behavior," claims the narrator.

Gender roles are alive and prevelant in society, and have been since the beginning of time. While feminists have strongly urged for a changed pace of life, things have not really changed. There is no doubt that men and women are equals, but there is also no doubt that the stereotypes given to men and women will always be around.

"Young children appear to begin to acquire gender role stereotypes at about the same time they develop gender identity. By the age of three or four, most children, when asked questions about the activities appropriate for a male doll and female doll readily give stereotypic responses. "

It is really sad to think about the fact that such associations are taught to us at such a young age. The female goes takes care of the baby while the male goes to work, the female cleans the house, the male is stronger, etc. Even trying to show strong woman figures, such as XENA, does not help.

In Sex and the City, the women are shown to be independent, strong, charismatic, and personable, but the male role comes in. The man ultimately takes care of the woman.

It has always been this way in society, and although some chagnes are evident here and there, they are not permanent changes.

Either more work has to be done, or we have to accept the fact that gender roles will not budge for a long time.

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