Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thank Goodness my BFF's an OBGYN

The ridiculousness of the Yaz commercial set in the club was a hot discussion topic in class, so I thought this video was appropriate in highlighting the unrealistic nature of having three knowledgeable professional women discussing their birth control habits on girls' night out. This made me think: what other kinds of ads are out there similar to these Yaz commercials? This video pokes fun at tampon ads that feature women whose joyous demeanor could not possibly exist at that time of the month:

Such ads really just ignore reality all together in order to sell their product. For some reason, portraying a woman actually suffering through her period and endorsing a tampon brand wouldn't sell, so instead they decided to have women frolicking on beaches and dancing in white clothes. Seem strange?

Again, here's a parody that points out the obvious that the original Wii Fit ad neglects to mention. We often don't think about the underlying meanings or happenings in advertisements that we see on television, but when you stop to think for more than a few seconds, you'll come to some interesting conclusions.

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