Friday, April 9, 2010

A Media Critics Godsend

After our discussion of lesbians in the media I did some research and came across a show that covers many of our most recent discussions. The show is called "Tool Academy," but don't be fooled, it isn't about tools in the hammer, saw, screwdriver sense. It is about men who are socially labelled 'tools'-- a term most clearly defined by the actions of any character on Jersey Shore. Girlfriends trick their tool boyfriends into being on this reality show in the hopes that they will change their behavior, teach them respect, and get them to commit to marriage. Safe to say, THERE IS SO MUCH WRONG WITH THIS SHOW. But it's the perfect media text to discuss. 

First, the show is definitely post-modern. These people aren't famous, but they are on television for being disruptive, sleezy, and rude. They are the epitome of their social stereotype, we view them because of this, and they in turn, act within their stereotypes for the sake of the show. 

We see the traditional male gaze at play, as the women in this show are distinctly submissive in their roles and the men are all overly-masculine. These women recognize that their partners and their relationships are so significantly flawed that intervention is necessary, but they still wish to marry these men... The necessity for a heterosexual relationship is displayed. 

The third season, however, a lesbian couple was cast for the show. They were the first homosexual couple to appear. It seems as though in a show based on the male 'tool' stereotype, a gay couple would appear first. Also, the lesbians are both thin, relatively pretty, and engage in female beauty by highlighting their hair and wearing makeup. They were the third couple to be eliminated and the only couple to break up as a result, implying that homosexual relationships are not concerned with the same commitment as heterosexuals.  Just as in the magazines, the lesbians representing the homosexual community are very feminized and beautified, rather than realistic. Furthermore, they are acting out a horrible stereotype. 

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