Friday, April 30, 2010

Yaz is GREAT!!!

At the end of class on Wednesday we talked about birth control. In particular there was that commercial for Yaz in which a group of girls are at a club and talking about the benefits and risks of birth control. This commercial is ridiculous, because women don't do that in real life. Here's a funny video that parodies the real commercial, as well as the real thing.

I think the parody does a great job at pointing out the flaws in the commercial. For example, they make fun of the fact that one of the girls just happens to be a gynecologist who knows everything about Yaz. It's highly unlikely that that would happen in the real world, and the parody takes advantage of that. I think this commercial does a good job of making fun of advertisements for drugs in general. Drug ads these days often feature people in everyday situations who know much more about the drug than anyone in that situation in the real world would ever know. The drug company wants us to feel as though your everyday neighborhood gynecologist knows everything about Yaz and feels fine discussing the drug at a club, when this is highly unlikely in reality. It's amazing what the lengths to which the drug companies will go to get us to buy their product.

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